Why and how to take control of your child's screen time
We live in a media driven world. Children are likely to be exposed to television (and even the Internet) long before they even start their formal education.
In moderation, "screen time" can be both entertaining and educational, but too much can have detrimental effects on children's physical and intellectual development. It's easy to suggest throwing out the TV and permitting only educational sites on the home computer, but in practise very difficult to maintain - particularly as media outlets provide children with the means for much social discussion.
By making considered choices about the amount and quality of time our children spend in front of a screen, we can limit the negative effects to ensure they enjoy the more positive aspects of media exposure.
How much screen time are children exposed to?
- Two thirds of toddlers and infants watch screens for an average of 2 hours a day, mostly television and DVD viewing.
- The majority of children under 6 watch such media for an average of 2 hours a day
- Children and teens from 8-18 years of age spend an average of 4 hours watching TV and video-based media, with an additional 2 hours or more on the Internet or playing video games.